If you want really delicious pizza, it should be baked in a wood fired oven. Our oven is imported from Italy and burns special almond wood to impart a delicate flavor. We use the freshest ingredients from our local farmer’s markets. Our dough is aged for 3 days in order to allow the natural fermentation to enhance the flavor. We use San Marzano tomatoes imported from Italy to hand make our red sauce. We are known for our unique pizza menu options, delicious salads and dessert pizzas.

Margherita Wood Fired Pizza

Ingredients: San Marzano tomato sauce, whole milk mozzarella, fresh basil and extra virgin olive oil.

Mediterranean Wood Fired Pizza

Ingredients: San Marzano tomato sauce, whole milk mozzarella, fresh basil, extra virgin olive oil, caramelized mixed vegetables and feta cheese.

BBQ Chicken Wood Fired Pizza

Ingredients: Cheese, bbq sauce, chicken, red onion and cilantro.

Smoked Salmon Wood Fired Pizza

Ingredients: Dill cream, cappers, red onion and sliced smoked salmon.

Pizza Di Patate (Potato Pie) Wood Fired Pizza

Ingredients: White sauce with sliced Yukon Gold potatoes and Gorgonzola cheese.